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Preparing for Your Meeting With Your Criminal Defense Attorney

You have been accused of a crime and you are meeting with your criminal defense attorney for the first time.…

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Five Steps to Take Before a Divorce

Trouble may have been brewing for years in your marriage or the decision to get a divorce may have come…

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Drunk Driving Charges and Potential Penalties in Michigan

Drunk driving is a serious matter in Michigan. Police officers are diligent in apprehending suspected offenders and prosecutors work overtime…

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Why You Need An Attorney

Some people avoid hiring an attorney because they think it will be expensive. Armed with information found online, along with…

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Do You Need A Prenuptial Agreement?

Marriage is a time of joy and celebration, but many couples like to preface the ceremony with a dose of…

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What You Need To Know About Field Sobriety Tests

When the police pull you over on suspicion of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OWI),…

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