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When Can You Claim Self Defense?

Self-defense is a commonly used term in criminal law, and it refers to the legal justification for the use of…

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How Does Your Inheritance Affect a Divorce Case?

If you or your spouse has inherited property and you are now thinking about getting a divorce, you may be…

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Will I Go to Jail for My First DUI in Michigan?

In Michigan, as in all other states, all motorists are prohibited from driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of…

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What is Average Child Support in Michigan?

Like all other states, parents in Michigan are responsible for financially providing for their children, even when the parents are…

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Can the Police Legally Search Your Car?

If you have been charged with a crime, you may think the situation is hopeless. Fortunately, you have many rights…

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Should I Hire an Attorney for a Misdemeanor?

When people are charged with a misdemeanor, they often assume that it is very minor. They sometimes even believe they…

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