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How to Protect Yourself from Unlawful Searches and Seizures

Have you ever wondered what to do if a police officer asks to search your home, car, or belongings? Are…

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When Can Child Support Be Modified in Michigan?

Regardless of your relationship status—whether married, divorced, or anywhere in between—the stark reality is that financial struggles can affect anyone.…

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Are There Advantages to Filing for Divorce First in Michigan?

Contemplating divorce is never an easy decision - people worry about the impact it will have on their finances and…

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How Do I Protect Myself From False Domestic Violence Accusations?

Facing a false accusation of domestic violence can be one of the most harrowing experiences a person endures. The emotional…

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Criminal Law Terms Defined: Evidence Suppression

Have you or a loved one been charged with a crime? The legal process can be overwhelming, but understanding your…

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Can Custody Orders Be Modified for Academic and Extracurricular Demands?

Co-parenting is challenging enough without the added complexities of your child's school and extracurricular activities. Often, divorced or separated parents…

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